Not Giving Up. Not yet anyway.
I’m not giving up. Although I bet that’s what most people have said shortly before they gave up. But not me. I’m going to accomplish a grand summer hike this year. So since my UK trip ended up being a disaster I decided to try and make my summer walking goal something closer to home. Really close. Like, public transit close - just in case all of our automobiles AND bicycles decided to die the morning of the hike. I have decided to hike the entire Wildwood Trail over a period of two days. It’s 30.2 miles.
This is the Wildwood Trail if you’re not from these parts
My friend Steve decided he would attempt this with me and we planned some practice hikes, slowly gaining in length, to familiarize ourselves with the trail. I even got new trail shoes for the adventure.
My fancy new trail shoes. Green brings out the color in my eyes.
We did a couple of shorter distances (5-7 miles) on the northern end of the trail and then decided we would tackle a 10.5 mile section. We were still trying to figure out if this was a hike we could do in a single, really long day.
Because I’m me and this is the Summer of Suck (copyright pending) I hurt my calf at the gym the week before the hike. I healed up enough (or so I thought) and we were able to do a little over 11.5 miles on a glorious Sunday. Why 11.5 and not 10.5? It’s Steve’s fault. He fucked up, he trusted me. I led us down a much longer spur trail to the Wildwood than was needed.
It was a gorgeous day.
Regardless we got through the hike and as the day wore on I realized two things. One, my calf was definitely not healed. Two, the whole distance wasn’t achievable in a single day without completely wiping us out and probably causing injury. And it would just suck, especially the last few miles and who wants that?
I knew I needed to take a break to let my calf heal but it’s hard for me to not be doing some type of physical activity. I not only count on it for my long term health but it really does help me feel much better mentally. I tried to figure out a way to stay active but not aggravate my calf muscle. Unbeknownst to me my body had already devised a plan to keep me inactive. Gallstones!!! Yup, the Summer of Suck continued with a gallstone attack and trip to the ER. This was followed by a trip to the doctor and scheduling gallbladder removal surgery. While he was in there he was going to repair an umbilical hernia that I had and didn’t realize it. Apparently it was BOGO day at Adventist Surgical Services.
What’s got two thumbs and zero gallbladders. This guy!!!
So yeah, I got my gallbladder out on Monday and was able to get out today and go a few miles (3 actually) for the first time since the surgery. I’ve got to take it slow but I think I might be able to accomplish the Wildwood this summer. I’ve got until September 22nd so I’m hopeful. I also accept that this is the Summer of Suck (still mine, you can’t use it) and anything can happen. Possibilities include scurvy, rabid raccoon attack, pottery mishap or asteroid strike. I suspect that as future training hikes happen Steve will be keeping a good 200 yard distance between himself and Glenn The Bringer Of Injury, Pestilence and Sorrow.
Whatever, we’re still gonna do it. Although I might wrap myself in bubblewrap.