See Ya Later PDX
The day has finally come for me to begin my journey to France for my grand adventure.
Getting to Saint -Jean-Pied-De-Port (hereafter referred to as SJPP) will consist of a 1.5 hour flight from Portland to Oakland. Then a pleasant 6 hours in the Oakland airport (where I’m writing this now) and then a 10.5 hour flight from Oakland to Paris. In Paris I will take a 1 hour flight to Biarritz and finally a 1 hour train ride from Biarritz to SJPP. This is the nightmare part of the trip, my return isn’t nearly as harrowing and is only two flights. The good news is that once I’m in SJPP I only have to worry about walking for 35 days. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll miss the screaming children and the subtle aroma of the burned chicken wings at Chili’s Too. I did bid on an upgrade for my big flight to Paris, something I didn’t know was a thing. I thought I was being smart and bid $50 over the minimum bid. I was thinking I was all Fancy McGee and going to be sitting with the rich folk. I didn’t get the upgrade (I suspect someone a little smarter than me bid $51 over the minimum, someone who has played this game before. Touche sir/madam) so now I’m BrokeAss McGoo and sitting with all the common folk back in steerage. I guess as long as I get there I’ll be content.
On Leaving:
For all of the waiting and anticipation for this trip, it sure was hard to leave. I’ve traveled alone quite a bit for work. More than many people I would guess. I’m comfortable being in airports, going through security, sitting next to strangers (but keep your socks on you animals!) and all of the other things that come with modern travel. Those trips were different though. They were for work so excitement for the destination was normally muted (if not outright absent) and they were domestic. International travel has always been something that Michele and I do together. The sames goes for long trips like this one. Heading out alone makes it, I don’t know, I guess a little less bright. Not the best description but I’m not the writer in the Crim household, that’s Michele. I’m the eye candy.
I’m going to miss Portland for a while. I’ve got a pretty great life there. I am excited about this little hike though and look forward to seeing Michele in Spain at the end of the trail.
Since I’m guessing they aren’t a thing in Spain, IT”S CHICKEN WING TIME!!