Michael Buble Makes An Appearance (Day 5)
Well, it finally happened. I’ve got a blister. Despite my best efforts I have this big bubble on my left pinkie toe that popped up (pun intended) after the hike tonight. I’ve decided to name it Michael Buble. Mike and i have a tenuous relationship at this point. I covered him up and didn’t poke him with a pin and in return I’m hoping he doesn’t make tomorrow’s hike painful. Blister care and prevention is one of the biggest conversation topics out here at the moment, so much so that I’ve learned most everything I need to know about treatment from just overhearing these conversations at meals. If this doesn’t seem like fitting mealtime conversation you should see when folks start taking off the sandals and actually comparing! Regardless, I think it will be fine and this seemed like a good time to give a status update on my overall condition at this stage.
Feet - okay with the exception of Mr. Buble
Legs - good during the day when hiking. Sore at night but I’ve actually been good about stretching and doing this thing where I put my legs up against the wall while lying on my back for about 15 minutes at the end of the day after I shower. I’m not sure if it’s making a difference but it feels pretty great.
Hips - surprisingly good
Back - fine
Shoulders - ouch. Holy crap they’re tired at the end of the day. Between the pack and using the walking sticks they’re getting a workout but I’ll take tired over hurt and they’re just tired.
Overall I’m good but tired. Also, every time I stand up strangers start to come over to help me. I’m not sure if it’s the noises I make or the slow, staggered manner in which I finally straighten up. Whatever, I’ll take the help where ever I can get it.
Today’s hike started with overcast skies and the threat of rain. There was a fair amount of wind and I figured there was no way I wasn’t going to get wet. As with most things in life, I was wrong. The skies had scattered clouds all day and it went from pleasant to windy to hot numerous times. The walk was through many rolling fields and ended in Estella, a decent sized city right on the Camino. My lodgings were outside of town so guess what, Bonus Miles! I could’ve called to get picked up but my Spanish is poor and I was already walking that way regardless. All said, it was a nice hike and I hope tomorrow is similar.
About the pace on these, I don’t stop my watch when I take breaks because I’m kind of an idiot and will forget to start it again. I guess I’d rather look slow than look like I didn’t complete the leg.
There were a few of these in a village we walked through and I thought they were quite cool
This guy was hanging out at a rest stop along the way.
All hills are bullshit. Just sayin.
A church in Estella
Further proof that clowns are creepy AF globally